Dig in
A duo exhibition with Maisie Maris and Laura Mallows, curated by Mariana Lemos at Staffordshire Street Gallery, London, 2023
Images by @lerouxdocu and @ionaksherwood
‘DIG IN’ was a collaborative project that celebrated food growing and eating by artists Maisie Maris and Laura Mallows and curator Mariana Lemos. Looking at ancient knowledge, folk tales and indigenous growing methods, the duo exhibition set the table for a dinner celebrating the harvest.
The exhibition aimed to foster deeper connections with the soil and celebrate traditions of seasonality and reciprocity. At the centre was Maisie Maris’ monumental sculpture—a suspended structure crafted from dyed fabrics and rope that mirrors ‘The Three Sisters’; an agricultural method and metaphor from the indigenous people of Turtle Islands that embodies the kinship of corn, beans, and squash when planted and consumed together. On the walls, Laura Mallows’ sculptures are charged with symbolism, made of salt-baked dough intertwined into wreaths or chains and placed alongside ephemera from her grandmother’s garden shed and plant matter that Mallows has grown or foraged.
These sculptures consider how symbols are created, charged with meaning and circulated across times and cultures. ‘DIG IN’ provided a multi-dimensional exploration of sustainable practices, cycles, land, sisterhood, interspecies kinship and our connection to the food we eat.